There will be no weekly training on base!
December 11th we will be at Western Fair Agriplex assisting with Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots
This year, cadets are encouraged to participate in helping Toys for Tots sort and pack toys for those in need. Cadets are eligible to claim community service hours for this amazing opportunity.
If interested, cadets will arrive in WARM CIVLIAN clothing on December 11 from 6:15 to 9:00 PM at the Western Fair Agriplex. It is a tad cold inside the Western Fair Agriplex so please dress warm.
Toys For Tots (Canada) is a Canadian charity based on local partnerships between veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, businesses, and concerned citizenry whose sole focus as an organization is to provide toys for children who are in need.
Read more about the organization by clicking here.
We will be entering from the main entrance at the Western Fair Agriplex as shown below.
Mess Dinner – December 18
Mess dinner sign-ups are now closed. We ask those who signed up, please show up. There will be no weekly training on December 18th for those who are unable to attend the mess dinner.